Today is Train Your Brain Day
Daily Word Search

Today is Train Your Brain Day

Train Your Brain Day. Every day we have one “muscle” that can’t be taken away from us, it shapes everything we do and how we experience the world around us. In actuality, it isn’t an actual muscle, but it is easily more powerful than even the strongest muscle. Our mind can make us sick, or make us well, it can drive us to see deception and paranoia in the actions of others, or simply other humans just trying to get along in life. Train Your Brain Day recognizes the power of the mind, and how training it to be positive can change our lives as a whole. read more…

Celebrate it with our daily word search puzzle – Food Word Search!

Board Games Word Search puzzle

Board game lovers are already in it for the challenge, so they’re certain to love this Board Games Word Search from Word Search Battle, too. This puzzle sees how well you can spot and identify a wide range of the most popular classic board games, from the ever-contentious Monopoly to the always-elusive Clue.

  • Play online or download and print
  • Multiple difficulties to test your skills
  • Find up to 23 words named after some of the most well-beloved board games

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